Thursday, September 24, 2009

NO... N-O-N

Kaylee was trying to take something from Matthew (age 2) and he was quite distraught. She said, in her sweetest voice, "Matthew, can I have that?" He screamed, "NO!" and then spelled out N-O-N. I guess he's a genius, he's already spelling words, even if they are wrong.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Alchemist

I just finished The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It was.... I'm not sure... interesting and thought provoking, with an unexpected ending. I think it would be a good one for book group and the discussion that insues.

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's a Record!

So my company has been around almost a year now and I enjoy it a lot! I made a goal this year to get 7 orders on My Cute Dressups each week. I did pretty good throughout the year. I mostly made the goal every time, except for one week in the winter I didn't have any orders. This week I had 23 orders! Maybe all of that article writing is paying off.

My ebay store is going ok, steady and strong. I had to go and change all of my listings so now it's slower than usual because I had to start over on many of them. But, overall I'm pleased with the progress there.


I am disappointed because Amazon just emailed and said sellers have to make 25 sales or more by November 1 or they will be kicked off until after Christmas. The reason I started the store is so I could be around for Halloween and Christmas. I've been on Amazon for about a month and have 9 sales. It will be a close call and I'm worried I'm not going to make it. The problem is when you are new on Amazon, they put you down on the very bottom until you prove yourself and make sales, but it's hard to make sales when you're number 100 on the rankings, sometimes I can't even find my listings. I need a good incentive for people to order on Amazon. Does anyone have any good ideas for a contest or a coupon? I would feel more comfortable if I could get 10 more sales. Let me know what you think! I need serious help!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tender Mercies

It was nearly 5 years ago that my favorite talk was given in General Conference, called Tender Mercies of the Lord by David A. Bednar. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think about how many times I have received tender mercies.

The other day I was complaining because Steve works long hours and then has bishopric "stuff" 3 days a week. It's hard on a young family to hardly see their Dad. Immediately after I vocalized that complaint, something popped into my head from when I was a teenager.

When I was a teenager I wanted everything for my future life that I didn't have then. I wanted a husband who was worthy to be a Bishop (yes, I actually wished for that!), I wanted a big house with nice things, and I wanted to be financially stable. As you can imagine, financial times were always tough with a single Mom. And I wanted 5 great kids. While that may not happen because of my health issues, I do have 3 great kids. I'm always amazed with our not so perfect parenting that our kids are so obedient!

Anyhow, I realized that I had received everything I wanted and I was complaining about it. How ungrateful is that?

I guess I am even thankful for my illness, which is a struggle every day, but has taught me how to be closer to the Lord. He has made many weak things become spiritual strengths in my life. I feel a lot of guilt sometimes because I can't do things like I used to before I became sick, but so many times I am reminded that if I am doing my best, that's all that matters.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lehi and His Family

This year I have really grown to love to read the scriptures every day. Not that I didn't like it before, I just didn't make it a priority.

I don't go to Sunday School and Relief Society any more because I am the Nursery Leader, so most of my Gospel instruction is on my own. I finished the D&C a couple days ago which I really enjoyed and I decided to read the Book of Mormon again. I have read it so many times, I always wonder if I will learn anything new "this time", I think I won't and then the Lord proves me wrong. Just in the first few verses I learned something!

I guess it just dawned on me that Lehi had lived in Jerusalem his entire life (his home, family, friends, business, and memories were all there) and how difficult it would have been to just pack up, leave, and then live a Bedouin lifestyle which was totally foreign to him and his family. They went from being respected to living in a tent in the desert. It had to be hard! Of course, the Lord sent him a vision and helped him and his family in numerous ways. But, it was just eye opening to me because I ask myself if I would be willing to do the same if I were in his shoes?!

Here is a beautiful painting of Lehi by one of my favorite artists. His daughter was a roommate of mine at Ricks (now BYU Idaho) Lehi in Jerusalem by Del Parsons depicting Lehi preaching in his home land

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Smoking Apple

Steve and I went out to dinner before the adult session of Stake Conference and we didn't really have a lot of time, so we wanted to go somewhere quick that wasn't quite "fast food". We really enjoyed the Smoking Apple (BBQ) Restaurant in Lindon. Of course, many of the yummy things had milk in them so I couldn't eat them, but the owners were really nice and we enjoyed the food. Anyway, the meals were around $7 and the meat came with 3 sides, so it was a lot of food.

Try it out sometime!
70 N. State St
Lindon, UT 84042

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sisters Last Forever

While the girls were doing playdough (I probably spelled that wrong), this is what I heard:

Kaylee: Megan do you still love me?
Megan: says nothing (...typical)
Kaylee: I love you
Megan: Do you love me more than your friends?
Kaylee: Yeah, you're my sister and sisters last forever, right Megan?
Megan: Right.

I wish I had a sister, that was so cute!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Savings at Savers

I got some great 1/2 price finds at Savers today because of those nifty silver tags. I love thrift stores. I love that we have several within miles of our house. It's not like we can't afford to buy new stuff, I just like bargains. I love yard sales and I buy a whole bunch of stuff I don't need at them.

So, at Savers, I got a really ugly gray metal table for $4 that I will then beautify with white spray paint to use at the corn maze for my laptop. I also got hangers, baskets, toys, and a whole cart full of winter clothes for the kids including Gymboree, GAP, and Old Navy fashions. All for $60! Did you know if you donate items to Savers you get a 30% off coupon for next time. AND if that wasn't enough fun... Monday is 50% off everything day. I decided I didn't want to go though, because, well, while I like Savers, I hate crowds. There is one downside, I probably bought something with a stain or a rip in it. It happens. And I have allergies from dust getting in my nose. Achoo!


Why can't I win Boggle? It's driving my crazy that I can't beat my husband at this game! It really shouldn't bother me, but it does. Since I can't beat him, can anyone tell me how to cheat?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ok, This is Getting Corny

In a few weeks, I will be eating, sleeping, and dreaming corny dreams. I'm so excited to have been selected as a vendor at this year's Thanksgiving Point corn maze. I will be there for 5 weeks selling my Little Adventures costumes and hope to meet some spooky critters and scary ghosts. While those things are simply frightful, the most terrifying thing will be wind and rain. I don't want a repeat of the weather Princess Festival, ok?!