It was nearly 5 years ago that my favorite talk was given in General Conference, called Tender Mercies of the Lord by David A. Bednar. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think about how many times I have received tender mercies.
The other day I was complaining because Steve works long hours and then has bishopric "stuff" 3 days a week. It's hard on a young family to hardly see their Dad. Immediately after I vocalized that complaint, something popped into my head from when I was a teenager.
When I was a teenager I wanted everything for my future life that I didn't have then. I wanted a husband who was worthy to be a Bishop (yes, I actually wished for that!), I wanted a big house with nice things, and I wanted to be financially stable. As you can imagine, financial times were always tough with a single Mom. And I wanted 5 great kids. While that may not happen because of my health issues, I do have 3 great kids. I'm always amazed with our not so perfect parenting that our kids are so obedient!
Anyhow, I realized that I had received everything I wanted and I was complaining about it. How ungrateful is that?
I guess I am even thankful for my illness, which is a struggle every day, but has taught me how to be closer to the Lord. He has made many weak things become spiritual strengths in my life. I feel a lot of guilt sometimes because I can't do things like I used to before I became sick, but so many times I am reminded that if I am doing my best, that's all that matters.
Meet My New Serger! ~ Baby Lock Victory
4 weeks ago
Rachel, you are an amazing woman and deserve a wonderful life. Thanks for helping me count my blessings too:)