Friday, September 11, 2009

Sisters Last Forever

While the girls were doing playdough (I probably spelled that wrong), this is what I heard:

Kaylee: Megan do you still love me?
Megan: says nothing (...typical)
Kaylee: I love you
Megan: Do you love me more than your friends?
Kaylee: Yeah, you're my sister and sisters last forever, right Megan?
Megan: Right.

I wish I had a sister, that was so cute!


  1. oh i want my girls to have that same conversation some day!!!

    by the way, natalie talks about kaylee a lot these days - mostly having to do with kaylee being a ballerina? i assume it has something to do with them dressing up at grandma and grandpa meyers'.

  2. That is one great conversation!! Very perceptive for such a young age!

    Love you!!!
