We have some close friends that have been out of work for 6 months. Both of them were celebrating their birthdays this week (the husband's 40th). A friend and I wanted to go in and get them a gift card to go out to dinner since we knew it would be out of the question for them financially. I emailed 20 restaurants in the area to see if they could provide any special coupons or discounts. I have really been overwhelmed by the response! Three or four restaurants offered to send coupons, but Tucanos went above and beyond. I was so touched by their generosity! The manager contacted me right away and gave them a completely FREE dinner that night and they allowed them to have anything at all that they wanted. They had ice cream drinks, fruit drinks, lobster tail, and the traditional yummy Tucanos dinner and salad bar. They were offered dessert, but we so full they couldn't accept. My friend was in tears because she couldn't believe how kind they were.
These friends were treated so well and I am so pleased with Tucanos. I'm getting hungry just thinking about eating there, it's so yummy! If you haven't been there before, try it. It's one of our favorite restaurants.
Here's a tip: Only go when you are really hungry!
You are a thoughtful gal. It makes me hungry too! I am really into American Idol this year too. I think Alexis should have stayed over Megan. I liked her but we all knew she would never win. Adam is awesome but I have to admit I like Allison a lot.