I have a dirty little secret. I love to read. ALOT. I stay up way too late reading mostly because I get sucked in and can't quit until I fall asleep or finish the book. Sometimes the hubby has to remind me that the stories are "not real" because I get so involved like they're really happening! These are some of the fun books I've read this month.

Dairy Queen, a cute little book, and something different to read.

My sister in law Kim recommended this book and I read it in a day (I did have the flu and couldn't move without hugging the toilet bowl, so I had a good excuse, ok). It was really good and gave me some good ideas for food storage and preparedness!

Rashi is a Jewish scholar and I enjoyed learning more about him and his family. The Jewish religion is so fascinating with all of their rituals and their hardships in world history. This is a series of 3 books, but beware of the "romance" factor of these books, it's pretty graphic.

I loved this book. It was witty and fun with a surprise ending. Do I like Cinderella's step-sisters now? I think maybe I do.

Haunting and distressing, but a good read because of it! I can't stop thinking about the love triangle in it, it's driving me nuts! I loved this book and it's sequel "Catching Fire"

We read Freakonomics for Book Group and had a very lively discussion on it. It's basically a spin on traditional statistics and interesting comparisons on society that you wouldn't naturally think of. I liked the chapter on Parenting the best, but the whole book was interesting, but I wasn't crazy about some bad language and the writers style.
I have also read a book on stress relief and how to run a small business, but I didn't think you'd be as interested in those :).
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