This is the day before Halloween. KK and I being the only ones not sick.
Here is KK dressing up for dance class. She is ticked because I had the nerve to make her wear a slip underneath.
5 minutes later, this is what she looks like (I gave in ok!), notice the difference in facial expressions!
After the flu, ear infection, and Pnemonia, M. is experiencing a miraculous recovery to go trick or treating.
Here's the boy that HATES to dress up, hate is not a strong enough word (hence the red eyes). I bought him a $40 Cars costume at the Disney Store that he refused to wear, and he wanted the $3 one from Savers. Well, he didn't actually "want" it, we forced it upon him as he was kicking and screaming. He was fine once he was getting candy. Instead of "trick-or-treat" he would say, "Gimme a treat". I suppose when you're 2 you can get away with that. I wonder if I could get away with that at 33. I have this thing for Butter Fingers. Anyway, I had to chase him around with the camera for this photo.
And last but not least is the entire family. I wish I could be Snow White every day, but I'll have to settle for once a year. If you were to peek under my dress you would find I'm wearing my favorite jeans and tennis shoes :). Steve is a Ghostbusters guy which was quite the hit in the Mormon hood.

Can't you just see what Cookie Monster is thinking in this picture? Get this stinkin' costume off of me! Now! While we all look like the happy family in this picture, what you can't see is that all 3 kids were fighting over Toto just a few minutes before.
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