Since being on the gluten and dairy free diet, fast food eating has been cut down significantly. Mostly just because I can't think of anything besides tacos without cheese that are both gluten and dairy free. While I love how I feel on the diet, I get a little tired of having the same things. BUT, today while at Taco Bell, I noticed they had a Taco Fresco that does not come with cheese and it was fantastic (well, fantastic for a taco). It was spicy and yummy and only .99 cents. Thanks Taco Bell for making my day today!
So why the gluten free diet? Do you think you're allergic to gluten? I'm just curious because we've been dealing with Brigs and his probable celiac (we'll find out for sure by the end of next week). I am constantly amazed and the kinds of things he can't eat-- soy sauce, tomato paste, cooking spray, even the stuff you lick on stamps and envelopes has gluten. Anyway, its a real pain-- especially if you add no dairy on top of that! Sorry for the long comment. Like I said, I'm just curious.