We're a bunch of sickies around here (except for Kaylee and I-a small miracle to tell the truth!). Megan had it first and had the worst of it, so much so that she ended up in the hospital for 3 days because she couldn't breathe.
Didn't anyone ever tell the nurses that you need sleep to heal? I think someone was coming in every 15 minutes during the night, sometimes just to scan equipment or check paper towels and toilet paper. Who cares, we're not using those in the middle of the night! Of course they're also coming in to give her medicine, and then 15 minutes later to check her temp., and then 15 minutes later to give her a breathing treatment. I woke up once when someone opened the door and didn't come in, but I had slept a whole 30 minutes! A miracle there, I tell ya. She would kick and scream in her sleep when they would come in. 3 of us had to hold her down to give her medicine. She didn't remember that when she woke up of course.
Luckily she is home now and feeling better and in a way it was kind of nice to spend quality time with her playing games, doing homework together, and watching movies or just talking. Too bad neither one of us can remember much since we were so desperately tired. She loved it though because people kept bringing her presents. I'll give her any present she wants if she NEVER goes back there again :)
Dang Rachel! Your poor baby girl! Let me know if I can do ANYTHING!!!