My hubby runs a BYU sports message board called CougarBoard and is a die hard Cougar fan. Since there are a kazillion bazillion people on there, advertising people want to advertise on there. Recently, a new advertiser has surfaced. We got a good laugh when the Varsity Baby people contated us about advertising the BYU Potty that plays music when a "success" has happened in the little potty.
We told them we would accept them as an advertiser, but that we would also do a product review since we (ok, there's not much we involved, mostly I) will be potty training in the next couple weeks. They accepted, and I am actually so excited to get the potty, I can't stand it! What kid wouldn't love to pee to the Cougar Fight song anyway? Ok, so maybe he won't care about that, but I think it's cool.
That is so awesome! Aaron will be jealous. It's amazing what they can come up with eh?!