One other touching moment was in a man's room I walked by each time to get to my Mom's room. He was always sleeping with his mouth wide open and facing forward toward the door. Often I saw nurses in his room tending to him while he was sleeping and trying to make him more comfortable. He didn't even know they were there, yet they tended to him like anyone else. My whole time there visiting, I never saw this man conscious. One Sunday, I noticed some music coming from his room and looked in casually and there was a harpist there playing hymns. For the first time that I ever saw, he had his head turned toward the harpist. His eyes were still closed, but that little change was noticeable. It was really quite touching.
The last day my Mom was on that floor, I walked by and the man was sitting up and talking to family members. I don't know why that made me so happy, but it did!
Anyway, this whole experience makes me reflect on the little things we do. Like the times we make the effort to help someone even when we think it will go unnoticed.
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