Since times are tight around the Meyers home, I'm contemplating cutting coupons again. I did it for a couple years, and saved a lot of money. I had a giant box of free stuff that I didn't end up using that I was able to donate to the Women and Children's crisis center.
The planning takes a couple hours a week. The trick is to find things that are on sale and then use your coupons on them. Sometimes, they even have coupons for over the sale price, so the store ends up paying YOU to buy their product. Savvy shopper emails the sales at all the local stores based on your zip code and then I go price match at Walmart once a week, so I don't have to go to several different stores. Let me tell you the people in line behind you HATE you, but the checkers are in shock that you can have a whole cart of food for $25. Anywhoo, the site (or forum) is,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/
The other trick is to order only the Sunday paper, and order multiple copies. You can get 5 Sunday papers for $16.40 a month. I think I got 3 when I did it, and that's $12.40. There's no clipping until the weekly planning session. You just put your whole packet of coupons in an expanding file folder sorted by date each Sunday. Then savvy shopper tells you what's on sale and what date the coupon was in. It's pretty easy.
There's also this free site called where you can print up coupons and take to the store. They have a $5 off Huggies right now and you can print up 2.
I'll let you know how it goes this time around.
Meet My New Serger! ~ Baby Lock Victory
5 weeks ago
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