Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cute Baby

I was so excited to get my hand crocheted photo pod in the mail. When it came, it looked like a giant hat, really... it looked like a hat for the jolly green giant. No offense to giants of course. We tried and tried to stretch that thing around cute little Halle, but it would not stay and her poor little toes were getting stuck in the holes. It really did not live up to any of my expectations. So basically $30 crumpled up and flushed down the toilet. Unless of course, you know any giants who would like to buy it. It's probably more for babies that are just born and have their legs all curled up to their body still. She was only 2 weeks old though. Sheesh!

As a bonus, I did find $100 in my camera bag from Christmastime, so I guess I came out ahead.

Luckily, her Mom was showing me a cute gift someone made her (the tutu) and it worked out better than the pod idea. Poor baby probably hated me by the time it was all over. She was a good sport!

I'm jealous of all of her beautiful black hair, isn't it lovely?!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Vinegar, the Wonder Cleaner

We use vinegar for almost every cleaning task in our house... bathrooms, kitchen, dishwasher, mopping, laundry, washing fruits & veges, etc etc... It's super cheap, costs about $5 a year and we put it in spray bottles in every bathroom and in the kitchen. We store 6 or 7 gallons in home storage because it's easy to get and so inexpensive (around $2 a gallon at Walmart).

I did a search last night to see how much to put in laundry loads and I came across this article from Reader's Digest. It's truly amazing the 173 uses for vinegar. The smell is very strong, of course, but the best part is your kids won't be breathing in harmful cleaning chemicals ever. If they use vinegar to clean the temple, then it's good nuff for me!

Reader's Digest Vinegar Article

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Look

I hope you like the new header. I had a designer do it for me. Her name is Amy and her company is Green Lily designs. I follow her blog because she has such fun things and I love to look at them! Her design work is so great and she was super patient with me. Now if I could only figure out how to take off that black box behind it, I'd be in business! The pink is going to change tomorrow to a darker color :).